Tuesday, December 28, 2021

5376 - Short story long

I'm not very good at filling up a page with words. 
Question... How did the experiment go? 
Me... It failed. 
Puzzled response... Well, tell us about it. 
Me... I just did.

So here's the clickbait headline that caught my attention. "This Fungus Can Instantly Induce Female Orgasm"

It referred to this even shorter article...

It starts off with this teaser...

"It was the moment of truth.

I couldn’t believe I’d actually found it. When John Holliday told me where to look to find the infamous Dictyophora species, I didn’t really believe him — probably because he also claimed this mushroom had some pretty implausible properties. But it was there all the same, right where he said it would be. Countless hours of research and reporting had culminated in this moment. There I was, standing on the remains of an old lava flow, staring at a mushroom that one man claimed could make me orgasm by smell alone.

I bent down, pressing my hands in the soft mulch on either side of the fungus, and let the air out of my lungs. Then I pushed my face next to its orange stalk and breathed in as deeply as I could."

And then there was a lot of story. A lot. To get to here...

"To be honest, I was disappointed. After all of the research I had conducted, I knew that there was no reason to believe the Hawaiian orgasm fungus was real. Everything about it had fallen apart upon scrutiny. I knew that the discrepancies within Holliday’s own testimony were troubling, and that biologically, the idea of a smell-induced orgasm was a stretch at best.

But I wanted it to be true. A small piece of me had hoped that I would find the smell pleasing, if not a little bit arousing. I wanted to suspend disbelief. I, too, wanted to live in a world where the orgasm fungus exists.

I still do."

So if you have a half an hour or can read really fast, there's a whole story in between that I skipped and hopped through looking for the answer only to find out they still don't know.


Elephant's Child said...

If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Mike said...

Sue - Christie went on a quest and came up empty.

LJ said...

This is what happens when a mushroom sees the completely naked 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 ! ! !.

Bilbo said...

I have a half an hour and I read really fast, but I think I'll read something else. Thanks for saving me the half-hour.

Shaw Kenawe said...

That was a half hour I'll never get back.

Speaking of mushrooms, watch "Fantastic Fungi" on Netflix!

Kathy G said...

Thanks for providing the synopsis. All I needed to know.

Rajani Rehana said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're an idiot! See? Direct and to the point!

Mike said...

LJ - It gets stinky?

Bill - You're welcome.

Shaw - I think I've noticed that on Netflix but haven't watched it yet.

Kathy - I'm good at synopti.

RR - I'll need a full report from you.

Deb - Succinct. I like it.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

How have I lived without this knowledge? Again I say, you have too much time on your hands Mike.

Lady M said...

She was just hoping to be able to market that fungi across the country in adult superstores and make a fortune. But alas, just a load of BS.

Mike said...

Peg - Have you scheduled your trip to Hawaii yet?

Lady - And a fortune would have been made had it been true.