Monday, January 03, 2022

5382 - Monday no themememes

I haven't gotten this first one to work. But I'll pass it along just in case it works for someone else.


My heroes!

I can visit most of these in a day.

The New York Times has these also. They're just as easy.

You're not really a goth unless...

Nobody can tell me what to do! In any language! 

A 'how to' for girls.

It's time for this reminder again.


Elephant's Child said...

Autocorrect IS a villain. I am glad that the word is getting out.
If a raven would agree to ride on my knee I would happily become a Goth. Immediately.

Mike said...

Sue - If that kid can train a raven, so can you. Hop to it!

Bilbo said...

Because we are expecting 7 to 10 inches of snow today after it was 64° yesterday, I'm packing out for La Bedrooma Caliente.

Kathy G said...

Don't mess with any supervillain!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Had a good LOL at Autocorrector, the crossword puzzle maze and seductive flirting!

Mike said...

Bill - Don't forget extra blankets to put over your head so you don't have to listen to those noisy snowplows outside.

Kathy - The AC supper village is rally sneeky.

Deb - Can you be that seductive?

allenwoodhaven said...

LOVE the crossword puzzle! I should have thought of the years ago.

Mike said...

Allen - I can work 5 puzzles a minute!

jenny_o said...

I love the reverse battery meme. Sounds like something my husband would have come up with.

Mike said...

Jenny - Come on over. I'll reverse your battery for half the cost of what a garage would charge you.

Kirk said...

I was fine with autocorrect when it was just telling me I was spelling a word wrong, but there's been some sort of upgrade, and now I sometimes I find my entire sentence underlined, and I don't know why!

Mike said...

Kirk - I've got one that just changes the word then underlines it with dashes. Then it asks you, "You wanna change it back dumbshit?"

Country Cottage said...

Autocorrect- a nightmare! I want that raven - what a beautie.

Mike said...

CC - Nightmare and raven, do they go together?