Wednesday, January 05, 2022

5384 - Won't you be my neighbor?

Did you sing the post title? No? Go back and do it right this time!

Have I got a deal for you. Who wants to buy a house(s) so I can come visit you? It's a five hour drive but I would make the sacrifice.

Two houses? Nope. One house connected by an underground tunnel. 17,000 SF on 12 acres. 

This must cost a billion dollars, right? Nope, 3.1 million. I wonder if they will leave the furniture? Want to see more. How about 162 pictures?


Elephant's Child said...

I am not tempted.
It is just too big - though would be a great way to entertain visitors without going (more) batshit crazy.

Mike said...

Sue - BUT... you could stay on the right side and keep the guests on the left side. Don't tell them about the tunnel. Then you could disappear when you've had enough company.

Bilbo said...

I'd buy this house in a heartbeat if only someone would leave me $3.1 million. It'd be a little small for my taste, but I'd make do. I wrote about it back in 2009:

jenny_o said...

I just don't understand the drive to have enormous residences. Wouldn't you get tired just getting from place to place? I guess it would provide employment for a few people, though. Anybody who could afford it could afford the cleaning staff and groundspeople it would need.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Buy that dump? No way!

Kathy G said...

So did the Riverfront Times link show up on your Facebook feed too?

Country Cottage said...

Harry and Megan should buy it - they could start their own dynasty 🤣. (Probably a little on the cheap side for them!)

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Yes I sang it.
The house is quite the fixer upper but I've got my own fixer upper thanks!

John A Hill said...

I've seen articles and ads for this. I've never checked it out. Still haven't.
For $3.1 million I'd build an off grid cabin with decent satellite wifi (is there such a thing?) and as much insulating land around me as I could afford.

Mike said...

Bill - TIme to win just one of the lotteries. You can buy this and build a separate library building (with tunnel of course) and another building for Agnes and all her machines.

Jenny - That would be the problem for me. I wouldn't want anyone in my house with me. I guess I could occupy one while the other was being cleaned.

Deb - But we could move all the bloggers into one place.

Kathy - Oh yeah. They can find some interesting houses. Usually cheap for how big they are.

John - Maybe you could get Danforth to sell you his 6000 acre getaway.

CC - I don't think that's the right neighborhood for them, right John?

Peg - But Rick could have his own 8 car garage to invent things in! Do it for him.

Mary Kirkland said...

If I ever win Megabucks here in Vegas, I will buy a house with an underground cave system. lol

Mike said...

Mary - Nice cool 55 degrees year round.

Kirk said...

When my one sister graduated from college in the 1980s, one of the commencement speakers was Fred Rogers. He actually sang the song and had the graduating seniors join in with him.

Mike said...

Kirk - And I bet they all knew it.

Lady M said...

Those are stunning - they would make amazing Haunted Parlors.

Mike said...

Lady - The tunnel would be a bonus for a haunted house.