Tuesday, January 25, 2022

5404 - Covid 19 variants

How many variants are they tracking? 2610 as of Jan 9th. I'm sure it's a lot higher by now.

How did I get to these charts? I followed this path.

If you like charts and graphs you'll love this site. The first chart is the main graph. See the red arrow on it? That's the point where the second graph blow up is. If you go to the page the first graph is on (last link above), you can scroll down for more stuff! Lots more. Wuhan is all the way down in the lower left-hand corner.


River said...

That many variants? I was going to ask why aren't we told, but then thought if we do get told there might be more panic. But with that many variants, I am now wondering if all those people suffering an unexpectedly severe head cold may in fact have one of those variants instead. So they all can claim to have Covid. it has turned out to be quite the nasty little virus hasn't it? I'm glad I enjoy staying home.

Mike said...

River - I'm right there with you at home... virtually.
And probably most of these variants aren't different enough that the vaccine won't take care of them. They call Delta and Omicron "variants of significance".

Elephant's Child said...

So many variations on a theme that none of us wanted to know in the first place...

Bilbo said...

I think the publication of charts like these fuel the craziness of vaccine skeptics and Covid deniers who don't understand science, nuance, or basic responsibilities for public health.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

The new highly contagious, Omnicrom seems to be spreading all over Europe. Can't wait for it to get here. I think it was Omnicom BA 2 or something like that. yipee

Cloudia said...

You are my go-to charts and graphs guy!

Mike said...

Sue - I think the theme is chaos.

Bill - I don't think the anti-vaxers know what nuance means.

Peg - One of these days Omega will get here. Then we're all toast! In the meantime, when can we get our fourth shot!

Cloudia - They can make death and destruction so pretty now.

Adam said...

Mutations of viruses are common. They can be either good or bad but statistically about the same

allenwoodhaven said...

Wow. That's quite an amazing visualization. I knew it mutated but had no idea how many there are. I'm already very careful but this makes it scarier. I know it can change either for better or worse, but with more and more mutations, worse is bound to crop up eventually. To those deny science, public health, and nuance I say WEAR A DAMN MASK!

Mike said...

Adam - Most mutations are close enough to the original that the vaccination will work on them too.

Allen - The "WEAR A DAMN MASK!" comment should be in bold, italics, and four times as big!

Kathy G said...


I'm just gonna stick my head in the sand and pretend I never read about all the potential problems that might come down the line.

Mike said...

Kathy - Peggy just mentioned Omnicom BA 2 and then I heard about it on the news last night. More shots coming! We can thank the anti-vaxers for this one.

Bohemian said...

Well, on the Positive Side, all that potential Death and Destruction has made for some Pretty and Colorful Charts.

Mike said...

Dawn - I agree. Plus, if you get Covid you can take the chart to the doctor and ask, "Which one do I REALLY have".