Wednesday, January 19, 2022

5398 - Wednesday no themememes

This is ME!

Well, at least the dog will be safe.

This is for those silly people that leave their cookies where other people can find them.

I only have the first one.

I did this!

An accurate pie chart.

Yes it does.


Cloudia said...

Good ones Mike. Card catalog!

Country Cottage said...

That dog is definitely paying attention 😁.

Mike said...

Cloudia - I remember them.

CC - Absolutely!

Elephant's Child said...

No farce book for me.
And I also remember card catalogues. And encyclopedias...

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Read my new post

Bilbo said...

Ah, yes ... the classic card catalog! I have spent many hours sifting through them. And the analysis of reviews of Simone Biles is not only dead-on accurate, but 100% typical of most Facebook and Twitter-level commentary.

BootsandBraids said...

I remember using that prehistoric googling, and am so stealing the meme thief for redistribution on facebook.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm stealing all of these memes.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I was a Prehistoric Googler too!

Lady M said...

That dog on the plane - how is that even allowed?

jenny_o said...

I'm so glad I don't have to use a card catalogue anymore! Google is so much easier and faster.

I love the dog and the cookie cutter. And identify with the time flying no matter how awful the day has been :)

Mike said...

Sue - We would get our Funk and Wagnalls at the grocery store. Every week they would have a new book, for 26 weeks.

RR - I know I know.

Bill - It's amazing how people feel the need to pick on Biles.

Shirley - You're stealing my stolen meme?! 5 more minutes on the treadmill for YOU!

Shaw - Your punishment for meme theft will be the same as mine... NOTHING!

Deb - Do you remember the three ways to check in the card catalog? Title, author, subject. How THAT for a trip down memory lane?

Lady - Support animal. A BIG support animal.

Jenny - Flying time has become a problem for me too.

Kathy G said...

The last time I flew there was a connecting flight. I should have paid attention to all of the safety demos, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have changed things three hours later.

Mike said...

Kathy - "pretty sure" So are you having doubts now?! 😄

allenwoodhaven said...

LOVE that cookie cutter! I will search for it..

Prehistoric googling is spot on. Takes me back...

Mike said...

Allen - Just search cookie cutter bite missing. Lots to choose from.

River said...

That Pie Chart could also be described as Pie I Have Not Yet Eaten. (the grey bit)
I remember card catalogs, I used to think I was so grown up searching and finding books all by myself when I was about ten or so.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I remember edge-indexed cards from school,
even making our own, and "borrowing" granny's knitting needles to operate them :-)

Sadly, these are not taught any more :-(

Mike said...

River - The grey part wouldn't exist for me. Pie doesn't stand a chance around me.

Stu - I don't remember ever having used the needle cards.