Tuesday, February 01, 2022

5411 - That's not what I meant!

There are no proofreaders at church.


Elephant's Child said...

I am a woeful proof reader so won't criticise. I am smiling though...

Mike said...

Sue - I'm right there with you on proofreading. I use Grammarly which has a spellchecker and a grammar checker.

Bilbo said...

These are great. It reminds us that sometimes religion can provide something not cringe-worthy.

Country Cottage said...

Brilliant, made my smile. My husband is the best proof reader.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Alas, too small for me to read, even when I enlarged it.

BootsandBraids said...

I've been involved in events which felt like "gracious hostility". LOL.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Up Yours" seems to be the correct response for a campaign slogan!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Shaw beat me to it - Up Yours!

Mike said...

Bill - It doesn't happen often so you have to laugh when you can.

CC - He could get a full-time job at any of these places.

Deb - I sent you a big one. 😁

Shirley - I guess that means they will be smiling when they beat you into submission.

Shaw - Maybe that's how the egg will get placed so Mrs. Lewis can lay it.

Mike said...

Peggy - You snuck in while I was typing. And no thanks. I'm into a lot of stuff butt that's not one of them.

Kathy G said...

I've seen this one many times. It never gets old.

Cloudia said...

Words have power. To make us laugh!

Mike said...

Kathy - I don't remember this one exactly but there are plenty of church bulletin missteps out there.

Cloudia - Especially if they're not supposed to.

jenny_o said...

Wickedly good :)

Mike said...

Jenny - And probably more true than what they were trying to say.