Wednesday, February 23, 2022

5433 - Wednesday no themememes


My new bathroom tile!

Skateboard down the railing, right?

The aliens have responded.

Hey! Whatever works!

This guy just needs more pizza.

Always check before you leave the house.

Yeah, where?

So I checked Wikipedia... "In the classic 1939 film, a red brick road can be seen starting at the same point as the yellow brick road and is entwined with it, despite seemingly going in a different direction. This version of the road does not exist in Baum's books."

Hey guys, anyone up for some fun?


Bilbo said...

I don't know where the Red Brick Road goes, but I'm pretty sure the GOP is following it on the assumption that it leads to Putin.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I need some medicinal pizza STAT!

Mike said...

Bill - Great guess!

Deb - It always works for me.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Pizza IS medicinal!

jenny_o said...

That bathroom floor would do me in, even "not drunk".

And that passport! OH. MY.

Mike said...

Shaw - Absolutely.

Jenny - The passport? Mess up your hair a little and use a black sharpie on your face. Fixed!

Kathy G said...

I had to google that passport issue and learned there are serious consequences for not keeping your passport out of a child's grasp. Trust the government to not have a sense of humor.

Mike said...

Kathy - That sounds like a good topic for a post. Tell us what you found out.

Mike said...

Kathy - Nevermind. I found this story explaining how the picture is fake.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh that passport would not go over well at the airport, that would give me nightmares. I'm glad it's fake. The women in the last one would be what my husband calls, ridden hard and put away wet. Gross

Mike said...

Peg - I don't knowwwww. That girl in the front looks... provocative.

Martha said...

That bathroom floor! I don't need to drink to struggle with it. And the passport! HAHA Yup, parents do deal with stuff like that!

Mike said...

Martha - I wonder what it cost to have the floor painted like that.

Lady M said...

Wow - that passport is too funny!

Mike said...

Lady - Unfortunately it was proven to be a fake picture. But it still makes you think about not leaving your passport laying around the house.