Sunday, March 13, 2022

5452 - Long joke Sunday

First, hey guys, don't forget to rearrange your stones.

There was an old man who lived near a forest. 

As he grew older and older, he started losing his hair, until one day, on his deathbed, he was completely bald. 

That day, he called his children to a meeting.

He said, "Look at my hair. It used to be so magnificent, but it's completely gone now. 

My hair can't be saved. But look outside at the forest. 

It's such a lovely forest with so many trees, but sooner or later they'll all be cut down and this forest will look as bald as my head."

"What I want you to do..." the man continued. "Is, every time a tree is cut down or dies, plant a new one in my memory. Tell your descendants to do the same. It shall be our family's duty to keep this forest strong."

And so they did.

Each time the forest lost a tree, the children replanted one, and so did their children, and their children after them.

And for centuries, the forest remained as lush and pretty as it once was, all because of one man and his re-seeding heirline.


River said...

re-seeding heirline. I love that! I like forests too.

Mike said...

River - Forests are good. As long as there's a path. Otherwise, I become a tick magnet.

Bilbo said...

You had to figure out a way to work trees into another post, didn't you?

John A Hill said...

I love it when a pun comes together!
(Yeah, I watched The A Team this week)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Good one!

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Richard T said...

Sorry to indulge in a spot of pedantry but the picture is of the stones at Avebury, 20 or so miles north of Stonehenge. The joke is still fine.

jenny_o said...

It's a groaner of a joke but the message in it can't be argued with!

I'll get the clocks moved ahead . . . eventually. I like the ones that do themselves the best, and the ones on top of high furniture the least :)

Kathy G said...

I did NOT see that ending coming!

Martha said...

HAHAHA! Well, I didn't see that coming!

Lady M said...

Such an inspirational story, even if it did end with a pun.

Kirk said...

HAHAHA! I did not see that coming!

Country Cottage said...

Oh boy - groan but it's a good one!

allenwoodhaven said...

Ouch. A good one though!

Mike said...

Bill - It was treemendous wasn't it?

John - How many brain cells did you lose?

Shaw - I agree.

Deb - I agree with this too.

RT - I knew it wasn't the henge because the stones aren't tall enough. But I sacrificed for the joke.

Jenny - What do you consider 'high furniture'?

Kathy; Martha; Lady; Kirk; CC; Allen - Did I miss anybody? Thanks!

jenny_o said...

High furniture includes the top of the china cabinet and the mantel over the wood stove. I'm not very tall. Clocks that are hung high on the wall would be a problem if I didn't have my trusty yardstick!

Mike said...

Jenny - It's right in your 'about me'. "full time short person"

jenny_o said...

Well-spotted - lol

Cloudia said...

I'm positively Misty!

Mike said...

Cloudia - And as helpless as a kitten up a tree?