I was wondering if anyone was keeping a count of how many names Steven Colbert
has come up with for tRUMP. I looked and looked and couldn't find a total
count. But I did find this video that has a sampling of them.
Walking Close To The Cliff
3 hours ago
Some of them made me smile. And many of them are close to the mark.
That was funny and the names do fit!
Colbert deserves a medal!
I'm still partial to the only way I will ever refer to him: Der Furor. I have also heard "Mango Mussolini," "Velveeta Voldemort," and "Orange Foolius." Author Harry Turtledove has several other great nicknames for him on Twitter, but most are not suitable for general use.
Oh no! "Waxed Gritty" -- hahahahahaha! What an insult to poor Gritty though.
I still like "Putin's cock holster" best.
I like Charlie Pierce's name for Trump: The Talking Yam.
Voldermoron! BAHAHAHA These were great! Some of them were new to me.
LJ - I hadn't heard that one but it's very descriptive.
Shaw - Nice.
Martha - I wish I could find the whole list.
I think 45 was the most nicknamed president ever.
Lady - That's why I wish I could find the Colbert list although it's an ever-expanding list.
Giggle. The only thing that makes me Smile about that train wreck of a man is all the hilarious nicknames he's been given which much drive him even more Mad than he already is, since he craves being Liked, and he knows how many of us despise him and make fun of him... which is some small consolation for his very existence.
Dawn - Do you think he's aware enough to even notice?
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