Thursday, July 07, 2022

5569 - Thursday no themememes

Let me see if I can hear anything.

HEY! You said...

I like this. Now all we need is some sound effects.

I had to look at this twice (three times). Somebody needed to close a hole in the wall.

So so so true.

Save a few dollars? Why not?

This is just... whatever...


Kirk said...

I don't see a reflection of the handle. Is that the hole in the wall?

Elephant's Child said...

The eye in the ear creeps me out.

Mike said...

Kirk - It's an opening for a door and they mounted the door sideways.

Sue - It does doesn't it. I've got one that has eyeballs in the big toes.

River said...

"I'd like to buy a vowel"
What kind of school did she go to???

That door looks ridiculous and I can't see anyone using it, ever.

Ol' Simmons said...

I love the first testimony on the vasectomy kit, "...all it did was change the color of our next baby." And hey, you get a free bottle of bourbon!

Bilbo said...

I want to hire that interior decorator. And I’ll buy the vowels for the IQ Queen.

Kathy G said...

The more I think about the sideways door the more I like it. Put a screen in there to get a lot of fresh air in, and have a great conversation piece at the same time.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahaha, the fake ID!

jenny_o said...

I have to confess right here that I always turn the radio down or off when I need to concentrate in traffic :(

Mike said...

River - Something tells me that some boss hollered, "JUST MAKE IT FIT!"

Simmons - I like the color of the baby joke. I may have used it a while back.

Bill - Wait until Agnes takes a trip and surprise her.

Kathy - The ultimate conversation piece.

Deb - I know. That's the biggest facepalm I've seen in a while.

Jenny - It's probably a confession for everyone. When I back out of the garage I have to turn the radio down to see where I'm going.

Martha said...

These are hilarious! The fake ID is a hoot. And I am definitely someone who turns down the music when I'm trying to concentrate while driving.

Mike said...

Martha - The fake ID is a facepalm for sure.

Lady M said...

I turn off the radio when I am stressed during driving. I think it is distracting. The fake ID is very funny.

Mike said...

Lady - It can be distracting at critical times.