Monday, July 11, 2022

5573 - Boom!

If you drive a car, this is something I think everyone needs to know. This is a little over the top, but it makes a point about having the correct tires on your vehicle. Plus it's fun to watch a tire explode. The downside? These are a bunch of Russians and there is a guy in the background translating everything they say. So turn the sound off! Right? Anyway, it's a 24-minute video but I started it at the 17:25 mark. Right before the good stuff. You can always go back to the beginning. It is kind of funny.


Elephant's Child said...

Nah,not for me. Destruction for destruction's sake doesn't float my boat.

River said...

I watched and didn't think it was fun, I'm not mechanically minded and couldn't dare less about tyres going boom, as long as they don't do it when I'm in the vehicle.

Mike said...

Sue; River - That's the whole point of the test. To show what happens when you go past the limits of the tires ratings.

Bilbo said...

When I was stationed in Germany, we needed to have tires rated for the speeds on the German Autobahnen. They weren’t cheap, and the results when some people tried to do without them tended to be spectacular.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Kathy G said...

I'm with Elephant's Child and River on this one.

Mike said...

Bill - Looks like you survived.

RR - Thanks.

Kathy - Looks like I couldn't get the girls interested in exploding tires.