Tuesday, July 12, 2022

5574 - Tuesday no themememes

Take 2020 and move it back to 1965 and that's me.

Normal? There ain't no frickin normal!

This is something I would do. It's why I don't talk to people.

I think I need a new shirt.

But will the government admit this? NO!

A rifle that's really jacked up.

I loved these things! Every once in a while they bring them back.



River said...

What is that thing strapped to the hood of that car?
I remember those "apple pies" they sure were hot and tasted nothing like any apple pie I ever made.

Elephant's Child said...

I never had one of those pies - but knew people who assured me that they were a surefire hangover cure.
I don't think I ever had as many friends as in the first few years of that chart.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

LOL @ friendship circle, shirt and meteor!

John A Hill said...

The first one--except I don't have a dog.

Kathy G said...

I hadn't thought about McDonald's apple pies for years, but for the Fourth of July I tried to buy and apple pie and the grocery store was out. I ended up getting something called a 'hand pie', which was like the McDonald's version except it was covered with a glaze. MUCH better.

Mike said...

River - It's an older type of car jack. If you look at how long it is you could jack your car about 4 feet off the ground on one side.

Sue - I loved the pies.
I knew a lot of people way back when but not as close friends.

Deb - Are you going to buy a new shirt too?

John - With the land you have now a dog would be in heaven.

Kathy - I'll have to take your word for it. Did you heat it to 185 degrees first?

Susan Kane said...

Those apple pies! Scalded my chin. No one makes apple pie like my mother.

Mike said...

Susan - Was your mom's pie hot? 😁

allenwoodhaven said...

Great Pickles comic! That sure is an unusual church shirt. Took me a minute to notice. Love the meteorite too.

As a career long mental health care worker, I can assure you with authority that normal is just a hypothetical construct.

Mike said...

Allen - Everyone has their own normal.

Cloudia said...

In Hawaii we have taro pie. Or do sometimes. Haupia same. The old mom and pop factory that made the noodles for the saimin has closed due to retirement. So McDonald's Hawaii has no more Saimin for now.

Cloudia said...

Still have rice and Portuguese sausage for the breakfast meals. Of course I haven't had anything but an egg McMuffin at a McDonald's in decad es

Mike said...

Cloudia - None of our McDonalds are open 24/7 anymore. Otherwise, I would be heading out for an egg McMuffin right now.

Lady M said...

I totally hear you about the friends and now with the new variant taking off, I think my circle will stay small - family + a horse.

Mike said...

Lady - I go to the grocery store and I'm the only one wearing a mask.

Martha said...

HAHAHA! These are all good. The first one is me...but with cats!

Mike said...

Martha - A safer alternative to people.

Bilbo said...

I'm with John.

Mike said...

Bill - You need another dog!