Short study conducted.
Friendliest dog in the neighborhood.
Yeah, the photoshopped tan is pretty obvious.
Drop the er at the end and it's true.
Well, what is the difference?
Would have taken me a lot longer.
Some people will have to be retrained to be in public.
I found this on Ami's blog. The level of stupidity is off the chart.
But this is true!
Smiling at the L and R tampons.
And looking for the duct tape.
Forgive my ignorance but I didn't understand the phone/freeway one.
Sue - You have to be a real numbers OCD person. Look at the numbers at the bottom of the speedometer. 1234567890. Any good numbers person would want a picture.
Thank you for that. I come from a maths/science oriented family, but missed that gene.
Sue - Your first comment made it through. The second one... into the spam filter. 🤦♂️
Thank you for explaining the freeway/phone. I didn't get it either.
If I saw sheets like that in someone's home I'd be calling the police to a possible crime scene.
River - Yeah but would those be fun to have as guest bed sheets?
Nothing like a woman with big feet.
People like Pat Robertson are why I developed the Gohmert Stupidity Scale (
So many good ones here, LOL! You scooped me on the fartsdumper one, though. Oh well!
I wonder what the study size was for that short term study?
I would welcome demons to the haunted parlor but so far my Stone Mountain Purse I found I found in a thrift store recently is showing no signs of demonic possession.
Simmons - Hmmmmm. I don't think that would be a good thing. 😂
Bill - But statements like that put way off the scale.
Deb - "Fartsdump" according to google translate. You need to post it too so people know the truth!
John - I think it was a size of one and ended at the researchers' house the night it started.
Lady - Maybe you haven't bought enough stuff yet. Get going! Pat would love for you to prove him right. But not as much as you would love it. Right?
I would be the person searching for the phantom iPad!
Kathy - Me too. It took me a second to even see it in the picture.
You got me giggling all through, then I re-read them. Has anyone ever told you how brilliant you are.
So, that is how it works.
I might have to ask Mrs. Shife about the L and R tampons. I probably should wait until she isn't menstruating.
What is considered an attractive man changes with each generation, but I never considered it changes with menstrual cycles. So if I want those sexy looks from my partner should I wait until she is bleeding?
"Wrong on so many levels" - LOL!!!
Susan - Not recently... or maybe never. And just to show you how smart I am, "how what works"?
Matt - Good idea.
Jerry - Put an apple tag in each new one. If one starts moving around, you'll know.
Jenny - Do 5 wrongs make a right?
Bill - "him" Do missing words count as typos?
Quenton Tarantino or Martin Scorsese could have put rose-decorated sheet to good use.
Kirk - Maybe they're designer sheets by either of them.
Fake tan?? They photo shopped some mighty big feet on that gal.
Lady - I'm trying to figure out what sport she would be good at.
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