Here's a 5 minute TED Talk on conspiracy theories and how easy they are to get
Taking Life One Day At A Time
42 minutes ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
Thanks Mike. We're all trying to crack this case and save America
What I would be MUCH more interested in is how to stop conspiracy theories. They seem to be very easy to start and virtually impossible to kill.
Cloudia - We should start Counter Conspiracy Theories.
Sue - That's why we need CCTs.
I put up with 3 minutes and 5 seconds and didn't hear a thing about conspiracy theories. I guess he explains that in the final 10 seconds?
We need to be more creative and come up with some good sh!t.
I tried to start one that it wasn't the covid vaccine that had the tracking devices in it, it was the hand sanitizer. The vaccine was a decoy. It didn't take off.
This is a good way to start your own conspiracy theory, Mike.
Well, that was interesting and I learned some new stuff. I do wish that all the conspiracy theorists would watch it - and believe it. That's not likely to happen, but at least now if I meet one face-to-face, I'll have some facts to work on them with!
River - The last minute has more info.
John - We can start a conspiracy club.
Mark - I like it!
Matt - Since I'm making John the president of our conspiracy club, you can be vice-president.
Jenny - Facts? They don't need no facts! They done got them conspiracies!
Can I be the Treasurer of your Conspiracy Club? Send all your Money directly to me, I got Shopping to do... and let's face it, most of these Conspiracies are started so that alleged Fund Raising can milk the Rubes who fall for them all they can... we saw that with the last Administration's Racketeering the Hell outta their Base and raising Millions. I suggest everyone wanting to fund our 'Club' write very big Checks... or better yet, send Cash. *Winks*
Dawn - You can be assistant treasurer and we'll split the spoils.
That's just what they want you to believe ...
Bill - It's all TRUE!!!
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