Tuesday, August 02, 2022

5595 - Capitalism at work

"The plans to launch Global Dream II, one of the world's largest cruise ships, have been scrapped after its builders filed for bankruptcy earlier this year. The hull of the ship will make its maiden voyage to the scrapyard."

"On their website, the makers of this class of ships, MV Werften, claim that the ships have 2,500 passenger cabins along 20 decks and can accommodate up to 9,000 passengers during the peak holiday season. Designed to be used in the Asian markets, this class of cruise ships boasts amusement parks, theatres, restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas as well as sports facilities onboard."

9000 people? That sounds like a nightmare to me. Almost as bad as being at a Joel Olsteen rally. The whole article is HERE. It's not very long. About as long as the ships' maiden voyage.


Elephant's Child said...

Not something that would EVER tempt me.

Mike said...

Sue - Cruise ships have to be an extrovert's dream come true.

Bilbo said...

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time ... that is, pre-Covid. "As bad as being at a Joel Osteen rally" - hah!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, just imagine covid or the norovirus ripping through that!

John A Hill said...

We went on one cruise. I think it was one of the smallest cruise ships in Carnival's fleet. I might consider another one, but I don't think Chris would. I much prefer the all-inclusive beach resort where somebody keeps my cold drink full as I lounge by the pool or ocean.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Yeah, not my thing either, Mike - a densely populated city stacked upon itself many times and floating on the water? No thank you. Glad it was scrapped.

Mike said...

Bill - It doesn't say how much money investors lost. I hope I wasn't one of them through my 401K.

Deb - Covid and monkeypox at the same time. And I heard last night that the US lifted all restrictions on cruise ships.

John - Just even considering another one you're braver than I am.

Robyn - I'm glad too but what a waste.

Kirk said...

9,000 people? I can't imagine there's enough lifeboats.

Kathy G said...

I've been on a couple of cruises, but now I'm pretty much over them. Except for a river cruise, which by default is on a much smaller ship.

River said...

Remember when cruise ships had two decks and a third seemed wildly extravagant?
Today's cruise ships are almost a complete floating city. Think of the amount of waste they must be pouring into the oceans!

Mike said...

Kirk - I never thought about that angle but you're right. They probably would have had just a lifevest in every cabin with a note that said 'you're on your own. Good luck."

Kathy - River cruises like the long boats in Europe?

River - There have been several exposes on cruise ships dumping trash in the ocean.

Jerry said...

Capitalistic overreach. A recipe for disaster. The people who did business with this venture might also have to file for bankruptcy. Who ends up paying for all these losses??

Mike said...

Jerry - We all do in a roundabout way.