The End is Near
2 hours ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
I wish there were more details on them, where they are located, what kind of tree they are... Dammit. :)
Ami - Most of the time there isn't any, just a picture. If there is text, I'll try and grab it with the picture. Otherwise, trying to save them separately and reunite them later is a task too far.
Usually, you can do a google image search and find the tree you are interested in.
Beautiful, beautiful things. Thank you.
#17 looks like a giant bonsai. I love the maze.
River - I have to agree with you about 17.
Sue - Thanks and I found you in spam again. It's starting all over again.
Some big 'n freaky trees here today!
Beautiful and uplifting. Thanks again.
Deb - I thought I would check out #12 and see if there was a story for it. I found a Snopes article. The tree is real, but the story circulating about is not. (Not that I printed the story.) But here's an interesting Snopes story.
Shaw - Yep, there are a few colorful ones in the group.
Huge trees are lovely and inspiring.
Oh, what BEAUTY! You got some amazing photos for this "nature's therapy" SHOW! I could sit and gaze at these for hours. Thanks for sharing the inspiration. Wishing you well, my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!
Kathy - And there are a few HUGH ones today.
DG - Come back tomorrow for more.
Super good collection Mike! It always feels like a real clear privilege to be included
Cloudia - I don't keep track of where I get the pictures from, but I assume that if it's a palm tree and there's a building in the background, that it's one of yours.
The sixth one looks like a tuning fork for the rest of the forest.
Bill - I'm going to have to start numbering these so I don't have to... na, too much work.
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