I looked and looked and looked.
Even neutral Switzerland despises him!
1 hour ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
Probably referring to the guy standing behind them.
Yeah I like a ghost image
The face and hands behind the girls. Very clever positioning.
Ah, but is that a man standing behind them - or a beast?
A - Yep.
Cloudia - Hard to notice for sure.
River - Clever indeed.
Sue - Hopefully for them, a man.
For once I saw it
Are we talking about the image behind them or the fact that the girl on the right is in a see through dress and her underwear is on show?
For once being late to the party was helpful...thanks to the comments I was able to find way more things than I would have on my own.
Bill - HEY! I'm just emptying my blog fodder file during my supposed getaway. I think Lady M figured out why It took me so long to see it.
Lady - Let's talk about the girls' underwear!
Kathy - Me too.
I'm trying to figure out what kind of hat that gorilla is wearing.
Kirk - Is that a hat or hair?
It took me a while!
Martha - I'm glad you had problems too. I was getting to feel like the Lone Ranger.
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