Thursday, October 20, 2022

5674 - Thursday trees

Maybe I'll make Thursday trees a regular thing. I went for color this time.


River said...

I love the fiery orange one in pic.6 and that lone pine by the cliffs. The reflections are great too.

Elephant's Child said...

Trees are always welcome. Do you know that the eighth tree is?

Mike said...

River - Pic 6 is a 'flamboyant tree brazil'.

Sue - Google image says it's a 'rhododendron tree'.

Bilbo said...

I wish some of these trees would run for office. They're better looking and more sentient than most of the people actually running.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now is the time of year for colour alright!

John A Hill said...

I like your tree posts.
Thursday Trees sounds like a good idea.

Martha said...

These are stunning! I love the pops of colour; very fitting for this time of year.

Kathy G said...

The first one looks like it's on fire!

Lady M said...

Love these fall trees - it is the time of year when trees are their most glorious, in my opinion anyhow.

Cloudia said...

Mike, we are going to have to call you Sir Real!

Mike said...

Bill - Plus it's easier to penetrate wood than it is granite.

Deb - I need to get out and see the real stuff.

John - You need to get going on the black walnut orchard for your kids.

Martha - Color is king.

Kathy - And if I remember correctly, those are leaves on the ground.

Lady - I totally agree.

Cloudia - That's a step up from Sir Cumference.

Mr. Shife said...

Look at all of those glorious trees. We haven't had too much change yet because we have been pretty warm but it's coming soon. Thanks for sharing, Mike.

Mike said...

Matt - We have such a variety of trees that some have turned and dropped their leaves and some are still green.

Mildred Ratched said...

Trees are my all time favorite thing! I love birch, willows, banyon, huge live oak and many others. The pics you posted are incredible and thank you for sharing them!

S M McBean said...

A nice selection from your great collection. I can never get too many trees, so I'll look forward to Thursdays deciduously.

Mike said...

SM - Treemendous!

allenwoodhaven said...

Just got caught up with these trees - Beautiful!