Tuesday, October 25, 2022

5679 - School shooting

Well, it was St. Louis' turn to have a school shooting yesterday. Two dead, four wounded. The St. Louis police did their job to the max. They were at the school within four minutes of the first call and they charged into the school. No hanging around outside to reconnoiter. 

When the shooter got there, the school was locked up just like it was supposed to be. So he went to a side door that had glass top and bottom and shot out the glass on the bottom of the door. This alerted the school and the lockdown alarm was sounded. This probably saved a bunch of lives even though the shooter was acting erratic. Shooting at some people, not at others.

The shooter worked his way up to the third floor. The police engaged him and took him out eight minutes after arriving on scene. 

No information as to what his dumb ass motive was yet. He was carrying an assault weapon with twelve 30 round clips. It could have been a lot worse.

This is one of the better articles so far...


Elephant's Child said...

I am sorry. We imitate your culture in lots of ways. I am so glad that this is not one of them.

Mike said...

Sue - There's no way anyone is going to get the guns out of people's hands in the US. The gun lobby is too strong. I don't think a million people getting massacred could do it.

Kirk said...

Well, as always happens, I imagine there will be a lot of flags flown at half-mast for the next couple of days, as if that's going to solve the problem.

Cloudia said...

Your police really stepped up! Actually find myself thinking twice about going to things. If the monkey pox, or the flu, or COVID doesn't get you, maybe some asshat + gun will. I'm actually very happy at home. Gosh that sounds pathetic. Not at all like me. I don't hide at home, but I'm aware of my surroundings And finally have the perfect introverts excuse to avoid all crowds.

Bilbo said...

I think the fact that the term "school shooting" is so commonly used is an abomination.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, hadn't heard about this.

Kathy G said...

I suspect that since the shooter was an alumni of the school he would have a good knowledge of which doors would be easiest to get in.

They reported on the Channel 2 news last night that some of the police that responded were actually nearby at a funeral at St. Mary Magdalen church, but since I haven't heard the fact elsewhere I don't know if it's true.

Lady M said...

What a mess - it does make me want to hide in my house.

Mike said...

Kirk - Half staff flags and thoughts and prayers.

Cloudia - Monkeypox, flu, and COVID are what keep me indoors these days.

Bill - True, there are plenty of other shootings that make "school shootings" not so special. The shooter left a "nobody likes me" note behind.

Deb - With "only" two people killed, it only got a little national coverage.

Kathy - I hope the county police departments are geared up for that kind of response.

Lady - And build a machine gun turret on top of the house.

River said...

I heard about this and was glad the police actually did their job this time. School doors should not have glassed panels, they should be solid so shooters can't break in.

Ole phat Stu said...

Some day a moron will dress up as a school shooter for Halloween and then get taken out :-)

Mike said...

River - Or at least small glass panels that are too small for a person to get through.

Stu - You're right, there are people that stupid just waiting to get blown away.

MarkD60 said...

What a horror.

Mike said...

Mark - Lots more information coming out. His family tried to get the police to take the gun. According to the news, the police took it but gave it to a "responsible" adult. Then he got it back or got another gun somehow.

Martha said...

What a nightmare! It shakes me to the core when I hear these things.

Mike said...

Martha - It's no fun, that's for sure.