Friday, October 28, 2022

5682 - Memes and more

Well, the news is I still have that laryngitis problem and I'm heading to the hospital this morning for a vocal cord injection. I let you know how much fun it was.

In the meantime...


Kirk said...

Hope the injection is a success. The Batman meme was too funny.

Elephant's Child said...

I really, really hope you get some relief from the injection. And yes, the Batman meme was brilliant (says the woman who almost always shares her life with a black moggy or two).

Bilbo said...

I need to spend more time at Costco.

Mike said...

Kirk - Fingers crossed.

Sue - I'll be waiting for your batgirl picture.

Bill - Would you believe I took that picture? I didn't think so.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I stole the meme about stealing memes, LOL! And good luck with that injection -- I hope it helps.

Kathy G said...

Fingers crossed that your procedure is a success. I had to look at the Batman one several times before I realized what was going on.

Lady M said...

High capacity assault cow - very funny.

Mike said...

All - After the injection, the first thing they told me was don't talk for 24 hours.

Deb - And after all the work I put into making that!

Kathy - The cat does catch you off guard.

Lady - And very true.

allenwoodhaven said...

Good ones!

Hope the injection does what it’s supposed to.

Mike said...

Allen - It did!

Martha said...

Good ones! I hope you have some relief from the injection.

Mike said...

Martha - I did. The injection worked.