Friday, December 02, 2022

5717 - Friday no themememes

I wish I had a urinal with this serial number.

The middle.

Go for it!

We all want our hoes to be happy.

Fred was in the military.

It hasn't been this cold yet and I can wait.

Butt just in case the above does happen, you'll have it ready.

This makes me want to find this place.


I knew there was a downside to these things.

And for last a vision test.


Elephant's Child said...

Lots of smiles - but I can only see three beautiful black moggies.

Mike said...

Sue - Look at the cat at the top. Go to the left until you see the gray cat that blends in with the ground. It's right above a piece of green grass.

Bilbo said...

My hoe is happy.

Kathy G said...

If I haven't been at that exact spot on I-80 I was close.

Mike said...

Bill - I've heard you should always keep your hoes happy.

Kathy - Imagine someone not knowing about that (like me) and seeing that for the first time. "I'm coming Jesus!" "Hey, why are those people coming back?"

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Fred Flint's Stone. GROAN!

Lady M said...

Some funny ones today. Love that last one with that camouflaged tortie. It's really cute.

Elephant's Child said...

Even with your assistance I could only just see it. Thanks.

Mike said...

Deb - HA!

Lady - You made me look up tortie.

Sue - The bigger the picture, the more obvious it is.

Kirk said...

But I see some cars RETURNING from Heaven. That's what happens when they bring you back to life on the operating table.

Mike said...

Kirk - Maybe that's how Kieth Richards is hanging around. He just keeps coming back.

River said...

Aha! The grey cat which I didn't see until I read your reply to EC. I love the Ouija rug!

Mike said...

River - If you get a Ouija rug, don't get a Rumba!

Martha said...

Keith Richards may outlive us all!

Mike said...

Susan - He may have already died and he just refuses to fall over.