Monday, April 17, 2023

5854 - Hang in there... no WAIT!

Today looks like it's going to be one of those days.


Elephant's Child said...


Mike said...

Sue - Yep.

River said...

Oh no! I hope he managed to get out, or someone helped him.

Bilbo said...

Based on my observation of the legions of squirrels in our neighborhood and their relentless assaults on bird feeders, this will not discourage his future behavior.

John A Hill said...

Nothing subtle like rocky mountain oysters or rooster eggs - just plain ol' squirrel nuts.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, what an angle!

Martha said...

Ack! What a situation to be in.

Susan Kane said...

Stuck for sure. I wonder if he got free or at least had some help.

Mike said...

All - I think that pole is called an IRS pole.

Kathy G said...

And he didn't even get any food out of the situation.

Mike said...

Kathy - So close yet so far.

Cloudia said...

Sort of wish I hadn't seen that...

Mike said...

Cloudia - I thought all the girls would get a BIG laugh out of this.