Tuesday, April 18, 2023

5855 - Wait WHAT?!

So here is an article with a few stories about how things can go wrong in a relationship. How many stories? 50 of them. But they're short! Here are two of them.

7. Book Banned
I was in a really new relationship. She came over to my house and saw my full bookshelf. Her reaction was seriously deranged. She went on a long rant about how reading and books were pointless. Not just the books I picked, which maybe I could have been fine with as opinions differ, but she thought that every single book was worthless and I was wasting my time reading. I broke up with her right then and there. She said, “You’re really breaking up with me over books”? I replied, “Absolutely”.

50. Appearances Were Deceiving
We were workmates, and I fell in love with her immediately. She had one of those smiles that melted you. We started chatting more at work and started hanging out more at group functions.

One day, a bunch of us were going to meet up for dinner after work. I asked her if she was going, and she said no because she needed to go home first, and it would take too long by bus.

So, I offered to give her a ride for the night. She asked me to come up and wait while she did her thing. I have never in my life—before or since—seen such a messy, disgusting living space. It was like an explosive went off at the garbage dump, and it didn’t smell much better. And she barely acknowledged it. At one point, she was rooting through the mess, looking for keys or her purse or something, and she was just throwing trash and junk from one pile to another.

Things were flying across the room into still more piles. There was no “Sorry, my place is messy” or anything like that. She just treated it all like that’s exactly how it was supposed to be.

That was an instant turn-off for me. I tried to work past it, but I couldn’t. She otherwise seemed so well put together; I couldn’t understand how she could stand living like that.

Our relationship didn’t change or anything, but I tapped the brakes on my escalating feelings for a little while. I figured maybe she was just going through some things. Then she started dating a guy from a different department about a month later and then found another job sometime after, so that was that.

(She sounds like my kind of girl!)


Elephant's Child said...

No books? I would break up with them too. In a heart beat.

Bilbo said...

Anyone with a book attitude like that is not worth wasting any time on.

BootsandBraids said...

Well this sent me down the rabbit hole of clicking on the link, reading other red flag dating stories. Seems it sucks to be young, single, looking for a mate as there are some seriously messed up people out there that don't even know they're messed up.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

No books - out of my house you go!
Messy one - bye-bye. I couldn't deal with that. Ooh gross.
That reminded me of a Friends episode where he went home with Rebecca Romijn and the house was garbage everywhere. Then the potato chip bag moved and he freaked thinking it was a rat and beat it. It was her gerbil. He couldn't see her unless she came to his apartment.

Mike said...

Sue - Faster than a heartbeat.

Bill - You're on a desert island with lots of books and the book-hating girl. How fast do you drag her out to sea and drown her?

Shirley - "seriously messed up people" is an understatement.

Peg - When I was picking out a couple of examples to post and I got to number 50, I thought Peg would love to be roommates with this girl.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Yeah, people who live in messy chaos live with messy, chaotic minds. No thank you.

Hope all's well, Mike.

Mr. Shife said...

The mess would be a deal breaker for me. I just couldn't handle it. No thank you.

Mike said...

Robyn - Not all of us do. 😁

Matt - She's the girl for me.

Kirk said...

Had he a Kindle instead, I wonder if that relationship would have worked.

Mike said...

Kirk - It was probably a matter of microseconds before she pointed out his next fault.

Kathy G said...

That article sounds like the ones I get sucked into on Facebook.

River said...

Both are perfectly good reasons for breaking things off in my opinion.

Cloudia said...

I love watching the humans and their crazy activities!

Martha said...

Anyone touches my books, out they go! HAHA

Mike said...

Kathy - It's fun reading about the crazy people. I just hope I don't run into them anywhere.

River - All 50 are.

Cloudia - From a distance.

Martha - Absolutely!