Wednesday, April 19, 2023

5856 - Compressor not compressing

My backup refrigerator quit working when the power went out last week. We were out for 18 hours and lost most all the stuff in two refrigerators. So I've been fiddling with trying to repair the backup but not with much enthusiasm yet. Taxes were front and center recently.

But I did watch a LOT of YouTube videos about the compressor not running. This was one of the better ones.

I have managed to check all the components and they all tested good. So I put everything back thinking they just needed a little unplug replug to get things working again.


So now I get to dig a little deeper looking for that broken $20 part before I fork out $650 for a new refrigerator. 


River said...

My one and only fridge is just over 20 years old, so if it breaks down I'll just get a new one. I'm not mechanically minded and don't fancy crawling around removing bits to see what might be wrong with them.

Elephant's Child said...

I am with River. Our only fridge is at least twenty years old. When it dies we will get another.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck!

Cloudia said...

I really admire and envy your skills!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh what fun. Good Luck. We could use you around these parts. But what I need to know is where do you get a fridge for only $650?

Mike said...

River - My problem is I like messing around with mechanical and electrical stuff and I'll spend way too much time on something before giving up and just buying something new.

Sue - This fridge is over 30 years old.

Deb - I'll need all the luck I can get.

Cloudia - I have the skills but lack the enthusiasm these days.

Mike said...

Peg - You snuck in there while I was typing. $650; basic 20cf refrigerator no bells and whistles; Home Depot, Lowes, Best buy, ...

Kathy G said...

Good luck. You get to decide which is more important...your time or your money. In my experience it's still hard to find what you want in the stores.

Bilbo said...

I'm okay with minor electrical repairs (replacing switches and outlets, and I installed new lights in Agnes's sewing room), but am reluctant to take on jobs too likely to result in a visit to the ER.

Mike said...

Kathy - We're getting along without it right now so I hope I can get motivated to get back to troubleshooting.

Bill - I wish I had a schematic for the fridge. Even though some of the videos are pretty detailed, they're not a complete picture.