Monday, April 24, 2023

5861 - Things happen

You may or may not know that my second refrigerator quit working right after our 18 hour power outage. Coralation? Who knows. I had been working at trying to figure out what was wrong with it and was set to dig into it more on... Friday? 

Anyway, when we woke up it seemed kind of cool in the house. I thought I'd turned the furnace back on. I checked. I did turn it back on the previous night. Guess what quit working. Most of the time when the furnace won't come on it's because the flame sensor is dirty. The furnace tries to start, the flame comes on but goes back out because the sensor doesn't detect it.

So I go check. Nope. No flame at all. Back to YouTube videos which this time didn't help me much at all. So I sat there staring at it figuring it would know I was mad at it and start working. Nope. 

So I flipped the power switch a couple of times and one of those times it tried to start. Hmmmm. Dirty contact somewhere? The only place there's a physical contact is in the limit switch. And there is a manual override switch which I'd never noticed before.

So I switched the override switch back and forth a couple of times, switched the power back on, FLAMES! The furnace has been working ever since. Fingers crossed!

So back to the fridge. I go into the utility room and ... the light won't come on. It's a two-tube ceiling-mounted fluorescent fixture. I change the tubes. Nope. The fixture has gone bad. I've got an old one I kept from a remodel in the basement. So that was Sunday. Taking the old fixture down and getting the even older (and heavier) one back up. Let there be light!

So maybe today I can get back to the fridge. Unless...


Elephant's Child said...

Sigh. I am glad that you got the furnace working again and hope the fridge follows suit. These things do seem to happen in threes - and you have had your three.

Kirk said...

Sounds like that blackout knocked everything even vaguely electrical out of whack.

River said...

Fridge, furnace, light. That's your three so things should be good for a long while after the light is fixed.

Bilbo said...

My experience with a lot of YouTube DIY videos is that they presuppose a working environment that is completely clean and well-lit, every part moves exactly as it's supposed to, and all work-arounds work as advertised. Not in my house. No DIY project I've ever undertaken has ever been simple and uncomplicated. I think one of my remote ancestors back in Hungary must have pissed off an old Gypsy woman and gotten cursed.

Martha said...

There's nothing you can't find on YouTube these days!

Kathy G said...

I was going to mention the 'rule of three', but River beat me to it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, at least you've got heat again! Good luck with everything else!

Susan Kane said...

You do have a variety of skill sets fortunately. The furnace got repaired by one who knows how to do stuff.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Just FYI, there is a refrigerator patented by Einstein(and Szilard) which has no moving parts.
Not particularly efficient, but VERY reliable. Used e.g. on spaceships touring the solar system.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

omg this sounds like my house. When my husband's cardiologist was discussing his upcoming cardioversion, he actually said to him, You've be surprised of all you can learn on Youtube. So you and my hubby's cardiologist are graduates of Youtube :-)

Mike said...

All - Update - The furnace went out again last night but I was several steps ahead of it this time. My son turned the furnace fan from auto to on. And that affects the limit switch somehow. I turned the fan back to auto, told my son don't do that again, powered the furnace off then on, whoosh, FLAME!

The fridge is 30 years old as are the furnace and that light fixture. I gave up on the light fixture but not the furnace and fridge yet.

Cloudia said...
