Monday, May 01, 2023

5868 - Blowing smoke

I found this on the Internet, the place of absolute truths. 

This is a real thing. The words underneath it needed a little checking. And... some of them are true, some not. It doesn't take away from the fact that it's just a good meme though.


Elephant's Child said...

I have to wonder what good a tobacco enema did, and am glad the practice has fallen out of favour. I doubt that it revived many drowned people.

River said...

I've heard about the tobacco enema, but didn't know it was used to resuscitate drowning victims. I can't see how that would work since the rctum is not connected to the lungs which is where the air would need to go. Unless the "invasion" gave them such a shock they gasped for air and recovered.

Bilbo said...

I'm sure that there's a crackpot "scientist" out there pushing this on Mike Lindell's channel as the latest cure for what ails you.

Lady M said...

Perhaps just the act of shoving something up ones ass is enough to revive the unconscious.

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Kathy G said...

Mike's blog. A never-ending source of new-to-me information :-)

Mike said...

Sue - As RIver and Lady M say next, sticking something up your butt might be the shock you need to revive you.

River - It would certainly get my attention.

Bill - And the kit is on sale for half price.

Lady - It would be an attention getter.

Deb - Double yikes.

Kathy - Let us know if you get to put this info to use.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...


Mike said...

Peg - 😲😲😲 said...

What the---?!
The only part that's believable to me is that Fox News still uses it.
Cheers, silly Mike.

Mike said...

Robyn - It's not hard to believe that at all.

Susan Kane said...

Well, then. Being a non=smoker in a house where smoke hung over the kitchen table, I can believe almost anything about tobacco.

Mike said...

Susan - That was me too. Both my parents smoked like chimneys.

Martha said...

ACK! The things people do. It is funny, though.

Mike said...

Martha - I'm sure someone is still doing this!