Wednesday, May 03, 2023

5870 - Bizarro

Some interesting facts about Bizarro and the secret symbols. See the number 3 above the cartoonist's name? That means there are 3 secret symbols in the comic.

Dynamite, eyeball, and O2.

There are 10 secret symbols in this picture.


Answer key...



Cloudia said...

I'm usually lousy at stuff like that. But yeah I spotted them! It is bizarre-0

River said...

Love the secret symbols and I found all ten.

Elephant's Child said...

Leaning all the time.

Mike said...

Cloudia - I'd never seen one with 10 SS in it before.

River - I didn't know there were so many.

Sue - Soon, you will know 'everything'.

Bilbo said...

If I had a secret symbol, it would either be a gin-and-tonic or a barf bag.

Kathy G said...

I didn't know about the secret symbols. Thanks for the education!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've always loved Bizarro comics, but I can do without the secret symbols. They're just distracting.

Mike said...

Bill - These days you need both.

Kathy - I knew they were there but I didn't know there were so many.

Deb - But it's FUN to look for them! 😁

Martha said...

I really like Bizarro comics! I didn't know that about the secret symbols. You learn something new every day.

Mike said...

Martha - That's why we have to live forever. There's too much to learn.