Tuesday, May 09, 2023

5876 - Wayna Picchu Stairs of Death

Don't look down.

1:30 view. Watch on Youtube.

Whole hike(?), 30 minutes.


Anonymous said...

No no no no no no no

Mike said...

Anon - Just 7 no's? I think you should have a no for each step.

Kirk said...

I found myself panting right along with them.

Mike said...

Kirk - I don't think I could climb that many stairs all at once. I'd have to camp out 3 or 4 times.

Elephant's Child said...

And a multitude of emphatic no's from me.

Mike said...

Sue - I'll get you a parachute just in case.

Bilbo said...

Agnes and I visited a Mayan pyramid in Mexico that had a section approved as "safe" for out-of-shape tourists to climb. That was steep enough.

River said...

There's no way on earth you'd get me on those stairs.

Ole phat Stu said...

Scary stairs. I'd take steps to avoid them

Martha said...

Definitely not for me! I can think of so many other things to enjoy.

Lady M said...

The going up is not so bad but the coming down is enough to give anyone vertigo. That is why, on the Manitou Incline, you can only go up and then must come down the Barr Trail.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nope nope nope nope nope.

Bohemian said...

Lord Jesus, I get Vertigo just looking at those Pixs, couldn't do it, wouldn't even be Tempted to go there. I can think of much better ways to end it all.

Shaw Kenawe said...

At this point in my life, because of a trick knee, all stairs are the "stairs of death" for me!

Cynthianne said...

Good grief. All it would take is for someone halfway up to trip and roll down the steps to take out a whole group. Would not climb those at gunpoint. Do they have nets below to catch the ooopsies?

Kathy G said...

Obviously there are people who make this climb. Obviously they're not the readers of your blog.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm clumsy on flat dry land - this is not happening in my life, at least not on purpose like these dumbasses. :-)

Mr. Shife said...

I am going to take a pass on this. Do they have stairs of life? I think I would much prefer that route.

Mike said...

Bill - Was there an escalator?

River - What if was your only escape route?

Stu - Steps going down? (I know, a pun.)

Martha - I never said this was going to be enjoyable. 😁

Lady - For the people like me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manitou_Incline

Deb - Five nopes? So you're not really sure?

Dawn - I found out by reading some more it's only 600 feet up. Nothin' to it!

Shaw - Nothing like having your knee pop out when you're going down stairs. It's exciting, right?

C - There's one net all the way at the bottom. It has a hole in it from the last person that fell.

Kathy - Except for one reader, right?

Peg - I'll drop you off at the top and you can walk down. Easy peasy.

Matt - Tomorrow. You can pick one.