Wednesday, May 24, 2023

5891 - Do this and every thing will be fixed.

I've lost access to most of my icons and all of my pictures. The pictures are still there, I think, they just don't show up. The file name is there, just not the picture. My desktop has text but no icons most of the time. Sometimes the icons come back but with a black box over one part. I've done all the things the internet says will fix that. HA!

I'm going to try and find enough trees for Thursday. I don't know about jokes for Saturday.


Kirk said...

Well, you got this post out at least. Good luck.

Mike said...

Kirk - I'm going to try and find trees for tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Elephant's Child said...

Big sigh. It sounds like our PC after we got hit with ransomware a few years back. I never did recover some of my images properly.
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Just restore from your last backup. Shouldnt have lost too much.

Bilbo said...

Restoring from your last good backup is a good place to start, but it Sounds like you may be ready for a new computer. Sorry.

John A Hill said...

I hate computer/tech problems.
I don't have too many issues, but I'm down to just a Chromebook and cheap smart phone. Less tech is way better for me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad you're at least back up and running!

Kathy G said...


Good luck. Maybe you can copy/paste some jokes from previous posts and do a 'best of' compilation?

Mike said...

Sue - I may wind up just reloading the OS.

Anon - Restore is missing.

Bill - I've been looking.

John - I don't mind them too much. I like troubleshooting but I want it fixed in a reasonable amount of time. That time is running out.

Deb - Partially.

Kathy - I've gotten access to the joke file. But I'm spending a lot of time work on the PC rather than looking for jokes. I could go way back to get some old jokes.

Cloudia said...

Gosh, maybe just a Chromebook would get you through this time?

Mike said...

Cloudia - See my comment to you on the previous post.

River said...

Must be time for me to back up all my files and photos again.

Susan Kane said...

My own battles with my computer and whatever app that is messing with me have been brutal. I have a SIL who is a magician.

Mike said...

River - Past time! Just do it! Although the files are still there, it's just that I can't see images or icons and a few other things.

Susan - I'm in a computer club and have people I could call. But I like working on stuff like this no matter how long it takes.