Monday, August 14, 2023

5971 - Ants

I won't waste space here copying the article. Also because this article leads to other articles about similar subject matter.


Elephant's Child said...

I can smell asparagus urine, but rarely smell ants.
I also loathe and detest coriander/cilantro leaves, both the smell and the taste which I believe is also genetic.

Kirk said...

I can't smell ants, nor would I care to.

River said...

I can smell squished ants but not every time. It isn't a nice smell, quite "sharp".

Mike said...

Sue - I can smell asparagus urine also. If I squish an ant with my finger I can smell it on my finger.

Kirk - You don't know what you're missing! 😄

River - Like the article said, different ants have different smells. You're an ant smell connoisseur.

Cloudia said...

Aren't they citrus y?

Mike said...

Cloudia - Some of them are but not all. Apparently there is a large variety of smells depending on the ant species. Does it sound like I know what I'm talking about? I don't.

Bilbo said...

I never realized how empty my life is because I've never been able to smell ants. Now I'm depressed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I can't smell ants, thank goodness.

John A Hill said...

I know that there are people that say they don't get the asparagus urine. Now I wonder if they are just people that can't smell it.

Lady M said...

I don't squish ants so I have no idea if I can smell them.

Mike said...

Bill - I see psychotherapy in your future.

Deb - Not even the citrusy ones?! 😄

John - I know. It only takes about a half an hour before it starts coming out.

Lady - So let's go! Squish one and smell your finger!