Here's the headline...
"Man shoots woman performing oral sex, admits to ‘murdering someone’ to father"
Now if your mind works like mine, the first thing I thought of is he must have shot his dick off too. But no. The story says he shot her after she was done servicing him. But the headline did its job and got me to read the story.
So if you read the story, you found out the guy's last name is Bible. Another headline could have been, "Bible kills woman". Or, "Woman performs oral sex on Bible and dies".
Anyway, what was he suspicious about? I read a lot of articles about this and one mentioned that the girl was trans. So apparently, Bible doesn't like trans people.
Yet another inaccurate click bait headline.
She made him feel suspicious so he shot her? How about just sending her away instead? Idiot.
Sue - Absolutely.
River - I don't think the guy was the sharpest tool in the shed.
The last line of the story is the money shot (so to speak): "Bible is currently in custody." It could solve a lot of problems.
Transphobia causes another death.
I hope his cellmate knows this is what he does when "suspicious" or maybe just displeased before the cellmate and he engage in a similar activity.
Bill - Too true.
Deb - And it won't be the last, unfortunately.
Shirley - Amen to that.
Cloudia - Indeed!
Every day I'm amazed how stupid some people can be.
This made my brain hurt.
Kathy - I think this guy was beyond stupid.
Shaw - Bible could run for office and win just because of his name.
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