Sunday, June 02, 2024

6234 - Long Joke Sunday

There was a Catholic bishop and a Baptist preacher who were fishing buddies.  

They used to go to the same lake all the time.  

Well, over time, a Jewish rabbi moved into town.  

They decided to take him fishing with them to make him feel at home.

On this particular morning, they loaded up the boat and pushed out.  

They always anchored at the same spot to fish.  

After about an hour, the bishop realized he had left his favorite lure in the truck.  

He said, “I’ll be right back”.  

He stepped out of the boat and walked across the lake to the truck, got his lure, and returned.  

The rabbi looked in amazement but said nothing.

A short time later, the preacher realized he had forgotten his lunch.  

He also said, “I’ll be right back.“  

He stepped out of the boat, walked to the truck, and returned with his lunch.  

The rabbi is amazed at this but says nothing.  

He begins to think he needs to prove his faith and duplicate this feat.

So he begins to think about what excuse he can use to walk to the truck.  

After a while, he announces, “I left my drink in the truck.  I’ll be right back.”  

He steps out of the boat and disappears beneath the water's surface.  

The bishop looks at the preacher and says, “You think we should have told him where the rocks were? ”


Elephant's Child said...

Getting to that favourite spot would have taken some sailing skills.

Cloudia said...


Mike said...

Sue - Or placement skills.

Cloudia - It would have been nice.

Kirk said...

Did someday tell Jesus?

River said...


Mike said...

Kirk - Jesus put you in spam jail.

River - A good laugh for you. You just extended your life another day.

Bilbo said...

Your delivery was a bit rocky, but it's still a good joke.

John A Hill said...

Good joke, but it's too deep for me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's so bad, LOL!

Kathy G said...

The joke is good, but the pun comments take it to a whole other level.

Mike said...

Bill - You've impressed Kathy.

John - Same as Bill.

Deb - So bad it's good.

Kathy - There's some punny people that come here.

Susan Kane said...

Good story. Knowing where to walk is essential, poor guy.

Mike said...

Susan - It's like a reverse mine field.

Anonymous said...

Afaik there is no Hell for Jews. Hell is a Xian invention. Just balancing out the implicit antisemitism.

Mike said...

So you're implying that I don't like North Africans? BTW, there was no mention of hell in the joke. Nor was it implied. If the joke bothers you, rewrite it with Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.