Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6246 - Your new vacation spot

I found a vacation spot for everyone, Iguazu Falls. It's on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Their website has all the info and pictures you could want.


Ami said...

This is that park where they cloned the dinosaurs, isn't it?

Mike said...

Ami - Go down there and check that out for us. 😁

Elephant's Child said...

Been there. The falls are spectacular but the humidity is vile.

River said...

Looks nice but if humidity is vile you won't find me going there.

Mike said...

Sue - Oh come on, it's just a little spray from the falls, right?

River - Take a chance!

Ole phat Stu said...

Ditto to Elephants Child. Better thab Niagara.

Bilbo said...

Iguazu falls? For gawd's sake, help him up!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It looks like the horseshoe falls at Niagara.

Kathy G said...

Interesting! It couldn't be any more humid than it is when I step out my front door today.

Mike said...

Stu - Sounds like you've been there.

Bill - I can't. I need help myself. Call 911!

Deb - It's supposed to be bigger.

Kathy - It has been "a little sticky" lately, hasn't it?

Lady M said...

That looks gorgeous.