Sunday, July 07, 2024

6254 - Long joke Sunday

It just seems like this, right?


Kirk said...

Sure ain't Star Trek or the Jetsons! said...

Yeah, I actually keep thinking "brave new world, I don't like."
But the book, I highly enjoyed. One of my favorites.
Hope you're well, Mike.

River said...

I don't think I'm in the middle. I think I'm on the outside looking in and wondering what the heck?

Ole phat Stu said...

Depressing isnt it.
Never thought USA would turn to fascism :

Elephant's Child said...

Scary isn't it?

Bilbo said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahah, exactly!

Mike said...

Kirk - The prime directive it ain't.

Robyn - As well as can be expected worrying about what Biden is going to do.

River - Floating in the aether screaming "Don't make me go back!"

Stu - I think most of the MAGAts can't see what's happening.

Sue - Indeed.

Bill - Yep.

Deb - Yep.

Cloudia said...

Nailed it. Then one day we will realize it has become something else. And so it goes. Aloha, Mike

Mike said...

CLoudia - I hope it changes soon.

Toni said...

Wow! Talk about hitting the mark!

I'm trying to keep a clear head and share info with people but I am honestly scared for democracy.

allenwoodhaven said...

Love it but all too accurate. Voting is the most important thing now. Yes spread the word but the choice seems so obvious, whoever is officially chosen at the conventions. The Repubs should replace Trump but won't. The Dems might change. Personally I think both conventions should be open to other nominees. Let them give their pitch on why it should be them, take questions on policy priorities, and then vote. Chaotic? More than likely, but it'd certainly amplify voter interest and attention.

Mike said...

Toni - Agreed.

Allen - THe next few months will be stressful for all of us.