Monday, July 08, 2024

6255 - Project 2025   Katie Couric interview 4:32


Elephant's Child said...

Shudder. I hope it can be stopped.

Bilbo said...

I've read most of this. It's **REALLY** scary to anyone who believes in the Constitution, rationality, and democracy. It's what Hitler might have concocted if he weren't crazy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

An evil agenda indeed.

Mike said...

Sue - You need to get over here and become a citizen so you can vote too. You've got 4 months. Get to it!

Bill - REALLY scary is an understatement.

Deb - Get down here and convert with Sue!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

We all should be very scared.

Kirk said...

All I can do is vote against it. And bitch about it on my blog and in the comment sections of other blogs. And click "like" when someone bitches about it on Facebook.

I might do some volunteer work for the Democratic Party. We'll see.

Cloudia said...

Thank you for spreading awareness Unambiguously, Mike, Aloha said...

Oy vey. Will the crazies ever take a back seat?
I keep faith.

Kathy G said...

Thank you for spreading the word.

River said...

I hope very much that it can all be stopped and common sense take its place. I also hope the nastiness doesn't spread to other countries.