Sunday, August 04, 2024

6270 - Long joke Sunday

I hate it when my wife wants to play the guessing game.
Wife: “Notice anything different about me?”
Me: (blank stare)
Wife: “Well?”
Me: (the sound of crickets)
Wife: “It’s something obvious.”
Me: (muttering) “Apparently not that obvious.”
Wife: “At least GUESS.”
Me: (I know better, but I take a chance) “You bleached your mustache?”
Wife: (glares)
Me: (digging the hole deeper) “You decided to let the gray show in your hair?”
Wife: (disgusted)
Me: (guaranteeing that I sleep on the couch) “You stopped shaving your legs?”
Wife: (fuming) “NO! NO! NO! I’ve lost three pounds on my diet!”
Me: (shrugging) “Don’t worry. You’ll find them.”
Wife: (absolutely furious) “Unlike all the hair YOU’VE LOST, which is gone FOREVER!!!”
And that is why I hate playing the guessing game. I never win.


Elephant's Child said...


River said...

I have to admit three pounds wouldn't show all that much difference. thirty-three pounds would be something you'd notice. I remember losing ten pounds last summer and I didn't look or feel any different. Do your American pounds have the same 16 ounces as ours?

Cloudia said...


Bilbo said...

Absolutely true. The guessing game is women's most deadly weapon against men. In second place is "do whatever you want."

John A Hill said...

The correct answer is -- No.

Kathy G said...

I was going to say the same thing as River. I can gain and lose the same three pounds several times a month.

Ole phat Stu said...

I lost 15 pounds last summer in the UK. It is a weak currency ;-)

Mike said...

Sue - I liked his guesses.

River - Yep, same 16 ounces. And they add up quickly.

Cloudia - You have to laugh.

Bill - When you do whatever you want you'd better act quickly.

John - Also the safe to a point answer.

Kathy - I lose three pounds just sleeping for 8 hours.

Stu - When you dropped it, it fell into a Brexit hole.

Kirk said...

Even if he had guessed the three pounds the moustache crack probably still would have doomed him.

Mike said...

Kirk - Something would have been wrong with the right answer for sure.

Susan Kane said...

Your poor wife. You lived another day.

Mike said...

My 'joke wife' takes a lot of abuse.

Lady M said...

Note to men - always guess "you've lost some weight". Even if you are wrong, it is a win-win.

Mike said...

Lady - I'll remember that.