Friday, August 09, 2024

6273 - My kind of funny

This is my sense of humor. I'd never heard of this comedian. But I laughed through this whole bit, 11 minutes. He just has the perfect delivery for me. And the bit is funny as all get out. I'm still chucking to myself right now just thinking about this.


River said...

Ahhh, I got nuthin'

Bilbo said...

I could have done with a bit less of the blue language, but that's a hysterical story.

Kathy G said...

Funny, but I could have done without the f-bombs.

John A Hill said...

That's some funny shit.
And a great lesson of -- When people sincerely tell you who they are -- believe them the first time.

Mike said...

River - 🙁

Bill - I thought so!

Kathy - It's hard to find a commedian that doesn't use a few. Females included.

John - Exactly.

Kirk said...

Great ending about the father.

Mike said...

Kirk - I wonder if they had video.