Monday, September 30, 2024

6304 - Helene payed me a visit

There was one limb of a tree in my backyard, close to the house looking suspiciously weak. I thought it needed to be cut down before it fell on the house. Too late. Hurricane Helene's remnants came through Friday night with a lot of wind. Down came the limb.  No pictures. I forgot. 

So the limb, probably 30 feet long, is lying partially on the roof. At the tree, it's about 24 inches. It's still attached to the tree but cracked at a 90-degree angle. My main concern was any roof damage. But it didn't seem like there was any. But I couldn't be sure until I got the branches off. 

The really good part of all this was what didn't happen. It missed two windows and the outdoor AC unit. So I needed to check the roof out and if nothing was wrong with it, 4 thumbs up for no problems.

I trimmed many of the smaller reachable branches that night just to get some room to work on the bigger branches on Saturday. 

Saturday I trimmed as much as I could from the ground then went up on the roof. It was like playing Jenga. If I cut this branch, what's going to happen. I got most of the branches cut back so when it finally comes down it will clear the side of the house. I cut another branch and heard the break on the tree make a noise. Oh oh. Then another noise. Stand back! Down it came!

It missed a window again and made two small breaks in the siding. Success! And two minor shingle breaks on the roof. So basically no problems considering what could have happened.

I spent the rest of the day cutting the branches down to a manageable size. All that's left is the main limb. It's about 12 inches around and about 15 feet long. Maybe I'll get to that today. Maybe I'll take some pictures... if I remember.


Cloudia said...

😲 Wow! Glad you are okay 👍🏽

Mike said...

I didn't even hear it happen. Claudia heard the thump when it hit the roof.

Kirk said...

You don't need pictures. Your words are vivid enough.

Elephant's Child said...

Like Cloudia I am glad you are OK and that the damage is minimal.

Mike said...

Still, pictures would help.

Mike said...

Minimal damage was a big surprise.

River said...

Well done you and thank goodness for only minor damage.

Bilbo said...

We're glad you and Claudia are okay. This whole mess is a reminder of the damage that can be caused by intense, damaging winds other than those generated by Der Furor and his minions.

Ole phat Stu said...

What does insurance cover?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thank goodness it didn't do any major damage! Glad you're able to handle the removal yourself. Enjoy using that chainsaw.

Kathy G said...

It was quite a storm. Glad to hear that you didn't have major damage.