Tuesday, January 21, 2025

6371 - COLD!!!

It's 1 PM and the temp is 5F (-15C) with a wind chill of -10F (-23C) The low last night was 1F (-17C). WTF! DEB! Your weather has sprung a leak. Get it fixed!

Tomorrow it's supposed to be 35F getting to 48F by Saturday.


Elephant's Child said...

That is definitely chilly. We are going for a top of 32C here today. Bleah.

Mike said...

Chilly is an understatement. I had to turn the furnace up a few degrees to get the chill out of the air.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

It's close to that here and I'm in the south. It was 10 today. I wouldn't look at the feels like temp. It's feels cold. That's all I needed. We even turned up the thermostat. It's normally 52 degrees on this day. Not today!! Beginning of the end to me, trump already changing the constitution and removing all we fought for re: civil rights in the 60s/70s. I am scared.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is how Canada is going to retaliate against Trump's planned 25% tariffs against us -- by sending as much polar vortex weather as we can to the USA. So bundle up!

Mike said...

Cold and tRUMP. A horrible combination.

Mike said...

So it's going to be cold as hell for 4 years?!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Better buy a down-filled parka!

River said...

We're supposed to have 28C today, that's 82.4F, would that suit you better? Come on down.

Kirk said...

Similar temperatures where I am. Once it hits 30 again, it will feel like 80!

Kathy G said...

All I've done the past few days is hunker down....which makes it hard to come up with anything interesting for a blog post.

Mike said...

Na, I'll just wait it out in the basement.

Mike said...

I wish Scotty could beam me down there now.

Mike said...

It's supposed to be in the 40s by Saturday here. I'll be outside in shorts and t-shirt.

Mike said...

Take a trip around St. Louis on Google street view.

Bilbo said...

It's so cold in DC that the lawyers have their hands in their own pockets.

Mike said...

But not for long!