Wednesday, February 05, 2025

6383 - The new gold

Thieves poached about 100,000 eggs from the back of a distribution trailer, authorities in Pennsylvania said.

The theft occurred around 8:40 p.m. Saturday at Pete and Gerry’s Organics LLC in Greencastle. The eggs are worth about $40,000.

State police did not have additional details Tuesday and said the incident was under investigation.


River said...

The newest Black Market: Eggs.

Bilbo said...

The Amish Powerball is now up to 400 dozen eggs.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

LOL @ Bilbo!

Bohemian said...

I had heard about Black Market Eggs recently and locally, but, it is a bit Amusing, No? In some places they're up to $13 a Dozen and some Grocers locally are completely out. Might be time for Raising a few Chickens.

Kathy G said...

Will the thieves sell them, or let them go bad and throw them at people they don't like?

Ole phat Stu said...

Is that just a yolk ?

Ole phat Stu said...

Is that just a yolk ?

Kirk said...

This would be a good plot for a hardboiled detective story.

BootsandBraids said...

That's hysterical. And not just any eggs but organic. I've not been able to purchase organic since first of the year. The thieves have good taste.

Lady M said...

Those are some careful thieves. I would worry about breakage. said...

I cannot tell if this is true. It's believable, but you're the one sharing it. ? Cheers.

Mike said...

I know. This could be on Saturday jokes. But it's from a real news story. So if you believe the news these days...

Mike said...

I would like to see how they plan to sell them.

Mike said...

When I was in basic training and doing morning mess hall duty, my job was to crack 400 dozen eggs into a mega gallon pot. The pot was about full when I lost my grip on the egg shell and in it went. I tried to retrieve it but no luck. Yuck on my arm and yuck to the guys that had egg shells in their eggs.

Mike said...

Don't encourage him!

Mike said...

It's been so long since I've bought eggs I couldn't tell you what the regular price even is!

Mike said...

Sell half, throw half.

Mike said...

Did you hear about the yolk that would greet other yolks by saying, Yello!

Mike said...


Mike said...

Wait 5 days and follow the smell.

Mike said...

I think their taste buds will rebel after a few days.

Mike said...

Or smellage after 5 days.