You can blow this up or just believe me when I tell you that there are 10 segments (1 to 0) around the circle. The lines start out at segment 3, then to segment 1, to segment 4... etc. I don't know how far the count goes.
I ran a program a while back that sorted the first million digits of PI but I can't find the output file. The count of digits 1 to 0 are close but nowhere close to exact.
Alright! I got this to copy here!
Pumpkin pie
Now onto something St. Louis. The main telephone area code here has always been 314. Someone a few years back decided to abscond PI day and make it 314 area code day. I think it's dumb but it's taken off and there are lots of celebrations going on today. I say bring back PI day and celebrate something else for St. Louis day. We also have area code 636 so they could wait for June thirty sixth and celebrate then!
so the circle diagram is like a fractal version of the number pi? Very interesting indeed..... nice to see it represented pictorially for all us thickos!
Each year I wait for your Pi Day observance. You never disappoint!
Wow, that Pi GIF is blowing my mind, man! Happy Pi Day to you!
There is a position (about 700?) in PI with about 6 nines in sequence. So how does this appear in the diagram?
I half-expected a psychedelically colored spider to emerge from that first picture.
That's the one (only) good thing about the area code day. It doesn't let me forget PI day.
It took me a week to design that... BWAHAHAHAHA. Now the pumpkin pie I could do.
If I could only find my file (or recreate it) where I counted all the individual digits. I did some searches on it for doubles, triples, etc. I think I found 8 in a row. I think I have a new project.
There's a project for you. Upgrade the web to a gif with an active spider.
I had a wonderful PI shirt. I donated it to Goodwill. Have you ever seen "LIfe of PI" a movie that is pretty interesting.
I've seen so many commercials in the past, I feel like I have seen Life of PI. I tried to see if I could watch it for free again and found this... Coming to The Roku Channel on 4/30/25 free with commercials.
The Life of Pi was one of the first novels I read during the pandemic. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.
I was hoping you'd have pie on offer today. But no, just pi. (Very cool gif though - the colours remind me of the 60s)
The movie is available now on several platforms including Prime, for a price. Roku will be free.
I was going to buy pie but forgot!
Love the Pi gif and that first one with all the lines in the circle which I had no idea what it was but ArcticFox explained it, but I'm not mathematically inclined so still don't fully understand. To me it's just pretty.
That's what I like about it.
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