Tuesday, March 18, 2025

6410 - Emily Catalano - UNSPECIAL (Full Comedy Special)

Emily has a different presentation technique. She will set up a joke with a lead-in joke. She even will do the lead-in and then do the follow-up later.

You have to watch the whole thing for the end to make sense.


River said...

The whole thing is almost 40 minutes!! It will have to wait for the weekend. I have to get dinner started in 10 minutes.

Mike said...

I know. And I understand if people don't want to spend the time to watch it. But you have to watch the whole thing to get all the jokes.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'll come back when I've got 40 minutes!

John A Hill said...

I've got 40 min
Funny stuff

Lady M said...

Luckily today I have 40 minutes as I smashed my pinky finger between two rocks doing a landscape project. I am out of commission for anything except starring at screens. Very funny routine - I laughed heartily in many places. Thanks for taking my mind off my throbbing finger.

ArcticFox said...

i am amazed i lasted the 39 minutes and something - it was good - i like the dead-pan delivery style.... very dry

Mike said...

I almost gave up half way through it. I'm glad I didn't.

Mike said...

Use it as a timer for something you're cooking.

Mike said...

I thought so. She's funny but different.

Mike said...

Hopefully your throbbing was over after 40 minutes.

Kirk said...

Most comics would have just stopped with one cup joke. She had six or seven, all of them funny.

Mike said...

I like her. My wife didn't get the one cup joke. Trying to explain it makes it lose the funny. She later asked me what bukkake was. Again, explaining it...