Tuesday, December 30, 2008

655 - Some one liners

I like number 9 best. I mean the ninth one.

And I guess it would have been easier for somebody to copy these if I would have typed them all out. I thought about that. But not for very long.


John A Hill said...

and why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?

what do you pack styrofoam in?

and on of my favorites...why do women have a pair of panties but only one bra?

Mike said...

I've been investigating the last one for a long time. I'm not going to give up until I figure it out.

Bilbo said...

Number thirteen. Definitely number thirteen. The thirteenth one. Yep, no doubt. John, you will no doubt enjoy the story of a new lector at our church many years ago who was reading the scripture passage about the voice of God coming from a burning brazier...which he pronounced "brassiere." Even the parish priest couldn't stop laughing.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I like the Barbie one :)

Amanda said...

I like the second last one (#16). (Why didn't this have numbers on the side???)

Mike said...

B - 13 was a close 2nd for me.

M - There's subtle truth in the Barbie one.

A - That would have required more typing on my part . Reread last line of post.

fiona said...

5 and 11 for me!

Anonymous said...

What are the others for? They're the takers, we're the givers! My old friend Lisa from seminary actually had an obnoxious buddy from Topeka who would light on her for a visit every now and then and be totally demanding, and when Lisa confronted her about it, she actually said, "You're a giver, I'm a taker." That left Lisa to say, "Boy, do I feel stupid and used."