Bush Quote - "Iraq is not a distraction in their war against America" but the "central battlefield where this war will be decided."
Remember Viet Nam and the Commie threat? Remember how that turned out?
Bush said, "Bin Laden and his terrorist allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them. The question is: Will we listen? Will we pay attention to what these evil men say?" "We're taking the words of the enemy seriously."
Attacking Iraq made Bush more like Hitler than Osama Bin Rotten. Before Iraq there were a few thousand terrorists out of 6 billion people. Now most of the world either hates the US or is disassociating from the US. Good job George.
Daniel Benjamin said, "What is missing from the . . . public discussion of all of this is some explanation of the phenomenon of radicalized Islam." "Why are there so many people out there who want to kill Americans and so many Westerners? Why is this such a durable phenomenon?"
Because Bush attacked Iraq you moron.
Then we have Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying that if the United States wants to have good relations with Iran, it must "bow down before the greatness of the Iranian nation and surrender. If you don't accept to do this, the Iranian nation will force you to surrender and bow down." Bush counters with "America will not bow down to tyrants."
World war III anyone????
Timing is Everything
4 hours ago
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