Juarez, Mexico (2008) (the movie)
I had second thoughts about posting this right after my last post. The people that played in this movie must be fighting untold battles. And after trying to watch this movie I wanted to cut my own throat.
It's supposed to be a movie about girls disappearing in Mexico. It's supposed to be a drama. It's not. It's so bad it's funny. Even knowing that it's a true story about women getting murdered, you can't help but laugh at it. It's that bad.
If you ever decide you have to see this for yourself, get a bunch of freinds together and start drinking long before you start to watch it. That way you can have a good laugh at the bad acting while trying to ignore the actual story line.
Link - Review
Link - Ratings
3 hours ago
I beg to differ with you. The worst movie ever, bar none, is the gold-plated, aged-in-wood, bottled-in-bond, dyed-in-the-wool, no-holds-barred, world-class stinkeroo "The Wrestling Women Versus the Aztec Mummy." The name alone gets it to the finals.
Why would anybody watch a movie called "The Wrestling Women Versus the Aztec Mummy?"
It was on Chiller Theater one Saturday night back home in Pittsburgh...it was a dark and stormy night, and ... well ... nothing else was on.
I don't know, the first part of the title has peaked my intrest.
"The Wrestling Women Versus ... "
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