Yesterday was Friday the 13th. An unlucky day for some. Lucky for others. When I worked at the phone company in one department there was a running joke about which day Friday the 13th was on for a particular month. When it is actually on Friday it's easy to remember to watchful. It's when Friday the 13th is on another day of the week that it can sneak up on you.
With all this in mind I set about one Friday to test the Friday the 13th theory by ignoring every bad thing that happened that day. Only focus on the good things, dismiss the bad things. It was a great day. Then came Saturday the 14th. I didn't purposely focus on the good or bad. Yet somehow the bad stuck out. Saturday the 14th was a miserable day. I now dread Saturday the 14th. And now it is that day! So back to post 433 for some advise from Pearls.
4 hours ago
Didn't they make a spoof movie in the 80s about Saturday the 14th?
What a memory! No wonder your so good with songs. I've never heard of this (these) before.
Saturday the 14th (1981)
User Rating: 3.4/10
Saturday the 14th Strikes Back (1988)
User Rating: 2.2/10
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