Ta da! Yes indeed I'm back. AND with new information about basic changes in the laws of nature. Yes that's right, nature has changed. In case you missed it, here it is. Coal is now carbon neutral. How do I know this? I read it on a billboard in West Virginia. And you know they wouldn't fib about coal in West Virginia.
As we drove by the first billboard I asked my wife, "Did you see that?" "Did I read that right?" Then there was another one. Holy crap! This is BIG news! They wouldn't lie on a billboard would they?! The billboard just says "Clean, Carbon Neutral Coal". And then something about a bridge being for sale, cheap. And no I didn't get a picture. But this guy did!
Apparently the billboard has been up a while as I found a blog ranting about this in a post last April.
Link - ccnc
If you want to read more put "clean carbon neutral coal" in google.
I'm saving a better one for tomorrow. Oh and now that I'm back do I have to go read everybody's old posts that I missed? Don't answer that.
3 hours ago
welcome back!
How else will you know what we said about you?
AH! Good that you're back.
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