Short one today. A friend of mine says there are two things that drive the stock market. Greed and fear. Greed got it up to 13,000. Fear is bringing it back down.
I know I can't wait for the next greed cycle.
And I'm slowly figuring out how to get my widget crap back. Trying to find logons and passwords from over a year ago is a pain in the butt.
Phone Photo Dump
1 hour ago
Hopefully the greed cycle will kick in well before 3 yrs, 2 mos and 29 days. I need a little time to rebuild the retirement fund!
By the way, I noticed the subscription link. congratulations.
Buy low now! Then you can sell high in 3 yrs, 2 mos and (but who's counting) 29 days. And you keep leaving off the hours, minutes and seconds.
Also, don't forget to factor in that the government has been known to delay the release of key people.
Right now this is why I'm glad I don't have a 401K. It would all be gone :(
Interesting...I was brave yesterday, stepped into the market a tiny bit, got a bit greedy and now, I'm afraid and kicking myself for being too greedy.
I wasn't as greedy as most, being very fearful of the markets and consequently very conservative. In spite of that, I'm still getting my financial butt kicked. I had a long conversation with my financial advisor last night, whose advice was - surprise! - wait it out until the markets come back to normal. Thanks. I don't foresee being able to retire until they carry me out of the office in a box. I'm spending my evenings sticking pins in dolls that look like bankers.
Ah the good old Stock Market.I agree with Bilbo,in fact we may even still be working from beyond the grave. Mediums instead of CEOs and forget conference calls lets all sit down for a daily "Ouija" board meeting!
Fear cycle = Buying opportunity.
*pushes chips to the center of the table* I'm in.
I just wish someone would lock up all the greedy so-and-sos at AIG and throw away the key!
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