I love cut and paste. As Bilbo mostly said -
Back on Friday, fiona tagged me with a meme (I had to look that word up) that's been zipping around the blogosphere. Normally, I don't reply to memes because they tend to make blogging a worse time sink than it already is, but since fiona is new to my group of followers...and since I have a few minutes before I have to go with Claudia to a church supper (hopefully not the last), I'll make an exception and take on her meme.
The rules are:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I'll do 1 and 2, but I'll take a pass on tagging anyone else, partly because all the people I'd care to tag have already been tagged by fiona or lacochran, and partly because I hate these things. (although I did think about tagging John 7 times)
1. What's my picture all about? Well it's a telephone thing. It's actually the telephone color code. Almost. When I was doing the picture in 'paint' I couldn't get the outside colors exactly right. But it's close enough for now.
2. What's going to happen later with my picture? Well I'm going to ask my son-in-law to redo it as a circle with the correct colors for my Christmas present. (a circle looks more like a wire) When he reads this it will be the first he's heard of this request. Call me for details Brad.
3. My blog URL is mikenet707.blogspot.com. Why? Because somebody used BVN.blogspot.com as a test. And has never used it again. I've left messages on it and even ask google to delete it. No luck. It's just there, forever. Unless I can get a techie hacker to hack the password. Any takers?
4. What the 707 in my url? Well my initials are RMS. Does that mean anything to anyone? Probably not unless you're into math or electricity. RMS is an electrical term meaning 'root mean square'. It's 70.7% of peak value. The voltage coming out of your electrical outlet (in the US) is 120 volts, right? Not really. The 120 volts is rms voltage. Or usable voltage. Peak to peak voltage is actually 165 volts. Most volt meters used to measure voltage are rms meters. I'm sure when you read the wikipedia article you'll understand everything. (HA!)
5. My attention span is about this || long and I'm running out of things to talk about in this time period.
6. I took a touch typing course one time. I still look at the keyboard to type. And since you can't see the keys because your hands are in the way sometimes there's no telling what will show up on the screen. I proof read a lot which really drags posting out. A lot. And stilll deosn't wurk.
1 hour ago
Isn't cutting-and-pasting wonderful? And while that's a good explanation of "707," you'll always be "404" to me...
Wow is about all I can say :)
Well, as one geek to another, I'll say that I have converted my initials from hex to decimal and use it internally on my job all the time.
I'll be 404 until the 303 kicks in and starts doing what it's supposed to. (you didn't 302 on me did you?) And then 303 will overtop 404 in an additional sort of way to become 707 in your mailbox. Which you won't know what to do with because nobody else seems to - 707
I have no clue what anyone is talking about.
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