The elections over.
Friend survived heart attack.
Bilbo's going on vacation.
What do we do now? How about come up with words that are spelled the same but mean different things. Like the following -
wind wind
live live
wee wee
dove dove
left left
lead lead
So after I started writing a few down, I thought, (I know that's dangerous), check the internet. That's where I found out these words are called homographs. So I wondered if wikipedia had any articles on homographs. DUH!
Some good news:
2 hours ago
Mike, only you could figure out how to legitimately use "wee-wee" in a more-or-less family-friendly blog. And here I always thought "homographs" were depictions of the ratio of gay to straight individuals in a given population set. I learn something new every day!
I read another e-mail before I read your blog. Now I will read something else.
How can one be a homograph and a heteronym at the same time?
Bilbo - Fiona will have to answer the wee wee question.
John - by combining the two into a graphonym
Bandit - I just thought of another one - Frank and frank. Your going to have to tell Frank he's a homograph and your have to be frank about it.
Hey! I'm still here! A bit of a hypochondriac these days but still here.
"Bandit - I just thought of another one - Frank and frank. Your going to have to tell Frank he's a homograph and your have to be frank about it."
Reminds me of a radio prank done some time ago. A local DJ (pretending to be the high school principal) called a mother to tell her that her son was a homosapien. I don't know if she stopped listening after homo or didn't know what a homosapien was(most likely), but the reaction was very entertaining.
Not having the trash can icon anymore is driving me nuts. I can't fix typos!!!!!
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